About the Artist:
Every child is asked what they want to be when they grow up. At age 10, I knew exactly what I wanted to be, an artist. I didn't know any of the details at the time, but I knew I could do it.
Fast forward to college. My official major was Biology, but I was also taking as many Art classes as I could. I loved the Pottery classes the most. I loved everything about the clay. It was squishy, it was messy, it was from the the earth, it was nothing but potential. I could make anything that I wanted from a hunk of mud. Or so I thought.
I was not very good, at all. I couldn't give up though, so I just kept practicing. I took class after class and went into the studio to create anytime I could.
Eventually, I GOT IT!
It was time to graduate. I majored in Biology, however, I had so many Art credits that I qualified for a DOUBLE MAJOR. So conventionally, I have a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Secondary Major in Art.
But precisely, I am an ARTIST!!!
I took ALL of my graduation money and I bought a used kick wheel and a BRAND new kiln
I didn't have a definite plan, I just started making pots and doing local craft fairs and selling to friends.
I sold enough pottery that I bought my first electric wheel, a Shimpo RK Basic. I still have it and I love it!
I lived in Moab, Utah at the time and decided to move back to the city again, Salt Lake City, Ut. I met Stan Roberts.
I did not know it at the time, but that meeting would change my life FOREVER!!!
I knew he had a pottery studio and made beads so, I decided to take my Resume to him and see if he needed an assistant.
He didn't.
He told me to write my phone number on the wall though, in case he ever did. I LITERALLY wrote my name with a pencil on his OFFICE WALL.
A month later he called me out of the blue and said, "Can you come in at 9:00 am tomorrow morning"
"Of course I can!" I replied
We worked out an arrangement that I would make beads in exchange for studio space!
I brought in my wheel and my kiln and had my very own corner in a real art studio!
Dreams really can be manifested
I learned more there in a few months than in all of my 7 years of education.
I learned about form and composition. I REALLY learned about the Raku process, I had only dabbled in College. I also learned what it took to be a full time potter and run a business. I also learned that I am a master at being "the finder of lost things".
That was actually one of my job titles.
Stan was always misplacing things. Including his lit cigarettes.
The day finally came when Stan decided to retire.
He was just going to close Xaz Bead Company forever!
I could not let this happen, so I offered to buy the business. How could I NOT? I knew the whole process and Stan's legacy had to live on.
I moved to Carlin, NV and set up shop in a little studio behind my house.
I have since, come up with my own designs and made Xaz Bead my own. I still make Stan's originals and they continue to be some of my most popular sellers.
I have my own most popular sellers too. My Teardrop Collection will WOW you! I have a line of Hearts that will MELT yours! And, since I never know what colors I will get, I stock pile the RARE ones just for you!!!
I cannot imagine what my life would have turned out to be had my 10 year old self not believed I could be anything that I wanted to be.
And you can have a piece of my unique handcrafted stunning creations at an affordable cost to you to enhance your imaginative inceptions!